Det er tvilsomt om nettavisene til henholdsvis VG, Dagbladet
og TV 2 hadde tatt seg bryet med å presentere «videopremiere» på den nye musikkvideoen til David Bowie om det ikke var for at en viss Iselin Steiro var
involvert, men hvorom allting er: Bowie har momentum! Og bedre påskudd trenger
ikke en Bowie-aficionado for å presentere en liten smørbrødliste.
Epostvekslingen mellom Chuck
Klosterman og Alex
Pappademas idet de – feilaktig – har fått vite at Bowies død er nært
forestående. En tour de force –
typisk for nettsiden The Grantland – om rockepersona, kjendiskult, autensitet,
iscenesettelse og skaperkraft – ispedd presise observasjoner om
«twitter-sørging». Par eksempler:
«You know, everyone still uses the term "rock
star" incessantly, even though rock stars no longer exist. The idea of the
rock star is a constant in our mental culture, but not as an element of our
hard reality. Calling someone a "rock star" is like calling someone a
"door-to-door salesman" — we all know what it means and we all know
what it signifies, but no one occupies its literal designation. Instead, we say
things like, "Game designers are the new rock stars" or "Bike
messengers are the new rock stars." However, there are no rock stars
becoming the new rock stars. That's over. The term is just an abstraction that
connotes a specific type of public perception. And it's astounding how much of
that specific abstraction is still a straightforward portrait of what David
Bowie built in 1972.
When Joni Mitchell dies I will think about the women I
talked to about Joni Mitchell so that they'd think I was the kind of complicated
cat who likes a little Hissing of Summer
Lawns with his Sunday-morning coffee. (I really resent that scene in The Kids Are All Right when Annette
Bening and Mark Ruffalo are at an incredibly awkward dinner together until they
bond over their shared love of Blue,
because now you can't have a conversation with anybody about Blue without it
sounding like canned indie-movie dialogue, which is too bad because Blue is the shit, and a really good
conversation starter.)»
PS. Jeg ELSKER Hissingof Summer Lawns på søndager. Har den på vinyl.
SE: Av alle
Bowie-inkarnasjoner er ingen snålere enn The Thin White Duke. På en diett utelukkende bestående av «paprika, kokain og melk» oppsto en radmager aristokratskikkelse
hvis grunnleggende … hulhet («ice masquerading as fire») bare ble matchet av
Bowies etterhvert like innhule bryst og kinn. Karakteren oppsto selvfølgelig
mens Bowie bodde i Los Angeles, hedonismens hovedstad. UANSETT, her kjøres han rundt i et eller annet ørkenlandskap mens han drikker melk og stilles teite
spørsmål. Som her:
Intervjuer: Since
you've been in America, you seem to have picked up on a lot of the themes and
idioms of American music and culture. How has that happened?
Bowie: There's a
fly, floatin' around in my milk!
LYTT: Det er jo
den feteste Bowie-låta. Skikkelig Neilern-gitar mot slutten der.
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